torsdag 10. januar 2013

Welcome to exhibition //

Welcome to the exhibition of student projects from Collaborative design studio, fall 2012!

When/ Wednesday the 16th. of January at 15:00
Where/ The Library corridore, 2nd floor, Sentralbygg 1, NTNU Gløshaugen.


We would like to invite you to the vernissage of student projects from last semester`s design studio Collaborative Design. Wednesday 16th of January at 1500, Sentralbygg 1, 2nd floor, NTNU Gløshaugen.

Collaborative design studio is a pilot project of the Department of Architectural Design and Management, NTNU autumn 2012, where the design studios “Housing”, “Complex programs” and “Metamorphosis” is merged into a common studio with 65 students.

“In between - Reception center and Temporary Housing for migrants”
People all over the world are on the move. The reasons for moving are diverse, from seeking adventure or a better livelihood to the urgent needs for safety from emergencies or ethnic, religious or political conflicts. The topic for the collaborative design studio is reception center and temporary housing for migrants. It focuses on an “invisible” and excluded residential group, aiming at improving their life conditions as well as their relationship with the local community. In the Norwegian context we dealt specifically with asylum seekers, while in the Chinese setting the focus was the so called urban migrants, people moving from the rural areas to seek work in the cities. 


torsdag 13. desember 2012

Studentprojects A3 //

Some of you asked for the A3 booklet with all the student projects. Here is a link to them:

Student projects Tuesday

Student projects Wednesday:

Picking up your projects //

As you know, we want to have an exhibition of a selection of the projects in January, where we invite external collaboraters. We have tried to pick projects that represents different aspects to have a more interesting selection. We have now email those you whos project we want to keep. That meens that those of you who has not received an email, need to pick up your projects (prints and models) eather before Christmas, or at the latest before Friday the 4th of January.


Merry Christmas and thank you for a nice and interesting semester!

Best Sunniva and Linda

fredag 7. desember 2012

Schedule Crits 11.12-12.12 //

Schedule for the final crits the 11.-12.12 is now available at Wiki here!

We will run two parallel heats during the examination, to have time to get through all the projects. Since we are three studios, one of the studios will then always have the possibility to also watch critics from one of the other studios. This provides the freedom to follow each other reviews across the three courses.

PC, projector, screen and a transistion cable for Mac is available for the presentations. We will move the screens along your plotted layouts, so we also can use them during the discussions.

When the critics and examination are finished at Wednesday, we end with a common summary together with the sensors.

Students present their projects digitally through websites they have produced
through the semester. Time per group is based on the group size.

Housing/Complex programs
Groups of two students get 45 min in total, while single person projects get 30 min.

Indicative layout:
/ Students presents their project
/ Sensor, teachers asking questions if needed
/ Sensor give comments
/ Teachers give comments
/ Sensor sums up

ps: remember to present your project fast and "sharp", about 15 min. Start with presenting your main idea/focus.We have limited time during the crits, so we cannot use any more time than the schedule shows. If you use all your time to present, we don`t have any time to give feedback.

Tip for the presentation:
When you present your projects, try to explain the reason of your choises/what have you achieved, not what you have designed.  Example: "Don`t tell us that the car is green - tell us WHY the car is green!" :)

Have a nice weekend - it`s well deserved!

Vernissage Monday at 15:00 //

torsdag 6. desember 2012

Handing in //

Just to make sure that there`s no misunderstandings; the pdf of your plot is to be finished before 10 tomorrow morning. (Links can be submitted later).At 10 you start to clean the studios, and from 12 - 15 you pin up your plots and make the exhibition. At this way you have some buffer, if it`s a cew on the plotter.

The student representatives choose two students from each studio that will have a bit more responsibility tomorrow, to see through that everyone stick to the scedule. Sunniva will also be helping you out, after sending your A3 pdfs to the sensors.

Plan of groups location in the different studios can be found here!
The groups who are located in studio 312 during the crits, need to store your boards and models in front of the windows in the end of the two other studios until Monday. Please move them to the right spot before the vernisage at 1500 at Monday.

Clean your studio during Sunday, so it`s ready for the exhibition at Monday morning. Move the desks and trolleys towards the wall, and gather the chairs in the middle. We use them for the crits.

PS everyone: also remember to clean the corridor:)

Upon request from you, we will have a small informal opening of the exhibition for fellow students and teachers Monday at 15:00. An exhibition with invited external people will be held in January during the week with Master Thesis Reviews.

We will bring to PCs and screens to show Metamorphose projects on.

Good luck everyone! We are looking forward to see your projects!

Linda and Sunniva